About us


Meet don

Ruby Dee's


Food is my Gateway to personal perfection it's the only variable that can be controlled and it's greatness is determined by small measurements at a time.

My passion to cook came early in life from the high school halls of home economics to the homemade plates of comfort for sick love one's this is we're I found my passion and drive for cooking.

Meet ruby


My Love for Baking started in 2013 when I decided to Bake a cake in our first home that my Husband and I bought together.

The first cake I attempted to bake was a 3 tier chocolate cake with Sprinkles the kids was so excited to eat so they tried it and was like it's good but a little dry and leaning! That spark my interest to continue to bake so I can continue to see people fall in love with my Sweets. Baking is my Therapy and I Love doing it.

Ruby Dee's
Ruby Dee's

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